Ride & Stride 2024

Approx 12,5 miles

5 - 6 hours 

Leicestershire Historic Churches Trust annual fundraising Ride & Stride, Saturday 14th September 2024.

We have a 12.5 mile guided route starting from Somerby Church and, using local footpaths, bridleways and lanes, visiting Burrough Church, Great Dalby Church, Little Dalby Church and Pickwell Church before returning to Somerby.

The route passes through some sheep and cattle pasture and all dogs must be on leads in those areas.  There are stiles on this route, some of which have dog gates but in a couple of instances you would have to be able to lift your dog over if necessary.

Ride and Stride is a fundraising event for our local churches, and all sponsorship is very welcome. Details of the wider event can be found here:  https://www.lhct.org.uk/ride-and-stride/

Start your own fundraising using the lhct sponsorship form, or donate to the JustGiving page for this walk that can be found here:


If you would like to join the walk please use the booking form at www.somerbyfestivalofwalking.co.uk

If you have any queries please email me at karen.medhurst@somerbyfestivalofwalking.co.uk

Departs from Somerby Church @ 10am


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